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Showing posts with label Blue Ridge Mountains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Ridge Mountains. Show all posts

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Blue Ridge 6

"Blue Ridge 6" brings some deep burnt sienna to blend with soft gold, light blue, and even some periwinkle to bring the view of gentleness and tranquility to this watercolor in the continued vertical format.

Blue Ridge 5

"Blue Ridge 5" combines soft gray-blues with gold and sienna to create yet another painting inspired by the North Carolina mountains although these hills could be any range.

Blue Ridge 4

"Blue Ridge 4" adds more of the yellow and gold tones to the mountain ranges.  As before, this  is painted on long and narrow paper giving it a contemporary feel.  the  approximate size is 10" wide  x 22" long.

Blue Ridge 3

"Blue Ridge 3" continues the series of watercolor and ink paintings inspired by the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.  This painting uses some gray tones in the ink to create a different kind of subtlety.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mountain Series

  This series begins with abstracted images of the mountains seen on a recent tour in North Carolina.
 Watercolor and ink used in different ways help to create an innovative look at the beautiful landscapes that we saw.  The narrow format also gives the viewer a chance to see mountains in a new way.